Luminary is a company that specializes in developing and executing learning solutions.
We are here to offer you both customized and off-the-shelf solutions. If your requirement is a generic area of training, then our carefully curated one- or two-day programs will suit you perfectly. If, however, you have a specific need that requires additional support in developing content and tailoring it to suit you just right, our resident content developers can help you find that essential blend of tools, concepts, practical advice, and tips to ensure your learning or training intervention is tailormade just for you.
We also build content for you for any programs you want to run internally and have “train the trainer” programs to help your internal teams deliver the content developed. You have a self-learning platform – but need content? We can do this for you as well.
We are different in our approach, both in content development and delivery. Our content is built in-house – and developed after carefully researching the area of focus. Each program offers practical tips and helpful insights which come from our experience in working in different industries; and having risen through the ranks at some of the top corporates in Sri Lanka and the Region. Our delivery is based on blended learning techniques: rather than lecture-style workshops. We always include practical activities to cull out the basic principles taught. in short, we make each program business-relevant.
What we offer you is an end-to-end solution: all you need to do is tell us what you need: and rest easy. You have our promise – quality delivery will be a guarantee.
We exist to ensure that we uplift and enable anyone who encounters us, to reach their fullest potential.
We will do this by:
- Being true to ourselves and our limitations: and ensuring we commit to learn and develop every day.
- Ensuring that we practice what we preach: as individuals, as children, as spouses and parents; as much as professionals.
- Creating holistic and thought-through programs that deliver results, not mere feel-good factors.
- Learning from each other and encouraging each other to be better.
- Working seamlessly with our clients: and genuinely adding value to them.
- Love: we will love whatever we do: and take pride in doing it right.
- Unconditional: ‘if’ and ‘but’ will not be in our vocabulary. We will always find solutions: and never get stuck in ‘victim’ mode.
- Modesty: we will never gloat. We will never run anyone down. We will never think too highly of ourselves.
- Innovate: we will never be satisfied with success: we will always look at ways to improve (both ourselves and our services).
- Nice: we will genuinely be ‘nice’ people to work with, and for. We will always have regard for circumstances and individual contexts. We will never be judgmental.
- Achieve: if we promise: we will deliver- period!
- Respect: we will always respect each other: and anyone we work with.
- Young: we will be forever young. We will not give any regard to ‘age’ or ‘seniority’ as we believe that the idea and the insight are what is of value – never the grey hair (or the lack of it!).
- Pioneered SELF LEARNING since 2007
- Pioneered ROI based leadership training since 2007
- Pioneered SIMULATION based training since 2011
- Conceptualized and delivered Sri Lanka’s biggest WEBINAR SERIES
- The only training company to author their own BOOKS